Defence Secretary graces National event of IDDRR
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by Prof. Dilanthi Amaratunga Covid 10: The missing insights: Advocating Disaster Risk Reduction and resilience building in South Asia Item URL: Source URL: A snapshot of the article:
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The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) rreeppoorrttss that 59.5 million individuals were forcibly displaced in 2014, but this number had risen to 70.8m by the end of 2018. According to UNHCR, the drastic increase of forced displacement was mainly due to the Syrian conflict as well as other conflicts in the region, conflicts in sub-Saharan Africa and the inflow of Rohingya refugees from Myanmar to Bangladesh. The Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC) hhiigghhlliigghhttss that the Philippines and China have the largest number of internal displaced people due to disasters, with each having 3.8m newly displaced in 2018, followed by 2.7m in India, and 1.2m in the United States.
In countries susceptible to natural disasters such as earthquakes and tsunamis, the construction of buildings plays a vital role in reducing the risk of homes, businesses and lives being destroyed. The Sendai framework for disaster risk reduction (2015-2030), endorsed by 187 UN states in 2015, calls for businesses to integrate disaster risk into their management practices. The framework identifies the need for disaster risk education and training for construction professionals, a view supported by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS).
2021 International Women’s day celebrated on the 8th March 2021, particularly the tremendous efforts by women and girls around the world in shaping a more equal future and recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. Women in DRR at the Global Disaster Resilience Centre (GDRC), School of Applied Sciences at the University of Huddersfield, UK, are making …
Women in Disaster Resilience Leadership: Achieving an equal future in a COVID-19 world Read More »
A national conference titled ‘COVID-19: Impact, Mitigation, Opportunities and Building Resilience’ was held on the 27th and 28th of January 2021. The conference was organized by the National Science Foundation, Sri Lanka.
The era of hazard-by-hazard risk reduction is over. In our increasingly complex interconnected world, risk has become systemic, challenging single-hazard approaches, and governance mechanisms of established disaster risk management institutions. We need to reflect on the systemic nature of risk in how we deal with it. Systemic understanding of risk goes far beyond previous notions and concerns.
It was encouraging to see the National Science Foundation (NSF) has taken a timely move of organising a research conference on COVID-19. It was all about the impact, mitigation, opportunities and building resilience with a fitting theme ‘from adversity to serendipity’. The Postgraduate Institute of Management was so glad to be a strategic partner for this noteworthy endeavour and I was part of the steering committee of the conference, that was ably led by NSF Chairman Prof. Ranjith Senarathne.