Month: November 2018

Tsunami warning exercise by Uni disaster experts is a success

The training was entitled Indian Ocean Wave 2018 for Sri Lanka and was an Indian Ocean-wide tsunami warning and communications exercise The registration desk at the evacuation centre TWO Huddersfield Professors oversaw and observed the carrying out of a tsunami warning training exercise in Sri Lanka. Afterwards, they delivered a set of recommendations to improve how …

Tsunami warning exercise by Uni disaster experts is a success Read More »

8th International Conference on Building Resilience (ICBR-2018)

The Building Resilience Conference is an annual international conference exploring resilience as a useful framework of analysis for how society can cope with the threat of natural and human induced hazards. The 2018 edition is organised by the University of Lisbon, the University of Coimbra (Portugal) and the Global Disaster Resilience Centre at the University of Huddersfield (UK), in association with the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR).

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