Teaching-related professional services, including to other universities/ organisations

Dilanthi makes an active contribution to teaching programmes and she has sustained performance at national or international level demonstrating a significant contribution to teaching, learning and assessment related activity through distinction in leadership of a major teaching team; leading teaching collaboration with other institutions; publications on teaching and learning; teaching grants and contracts secured; external examinerships; regular teaching visits to other university departments; invited presentations at national/international teaching and learning conferences, lectures, seminars and membership of professional groups; awards; membership of national or international committees relating to teaching and learning; acting as adviser/consultant and keynote addresses at teaching-related conferences. These activities demonstrate her leadership in teaching programmes including teaching and curriculum design.

  1. Couse validation exercises for programmes
  2. International course validation for executives, in urban resilience management, 2014. Partnership with IQS Business and Engineering schools, Barcelona, in collaboration with many different institutes, intergovernmental agencies and enterprises (DRIFT, Virginia Tech, Brown, Stockholm Resilience Centre, UN HABITAT, UNESCO-IHE, CISCO, SIEMENS etc).
  3. Visiting Professor, Andalas University, Padang, Indonesia. 2022 to date
  4. Professoriate appointment panel member, University of Malaya, Malaysia, 2018 – 2023
  5. External Examiner, MSc in Emerging Economies, School of Construction Management and Engineering, University of Reading, from 2012 – 2016
  6. MSc in Disasters programmes international expert and adviser – Dhaka University Bangladesh, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.
  7. International Advisor to Disaster Preparedness and Prevention Centre (DPPC), Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT), UTM Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 2021 – 2023
  8. International Adviser, Masters of Disaster Preparedness and Reconstruction, The University of Newcastle, Australia, 2011.
  9. International Advisor on the development of disaster management teaching programmes, Department of Environmental Science and Disaster Management Patuakhali Science and Technology University, Bangladesh. 2007 – 2009.
  10. MSc Taught/by Research, MPhil examiner – Bangladesh, Malaysia, Norway, Sweden, the Netherlands, Spain, UK, Sri Lanka, India, Singapore, Australia etc. 2003 to date
  11. HEFCE Adviser – Centres for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETLs). 2004 – 05.
  12. MSc in Commercial Management in Construction, external reviewer, University of Ulster, Northern Ireland. 2009
  13. Expert Reviewer – Development of RICS Accredited BSc in Facilities Management, Department of Building Economics, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. 2006 – 2007.
  14. External consultant to the development process of RICS accredited BSc in Facilities management undergraduate degree programme. 2005, Department of Building Economics, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka.
  15. Member of the Strategic Review Panel. NHS Estates. 2001 – 2002.
  16. Board of Architectural Education. Sri Lanka Institute of Architects. 1996 – 1997.
  17. National Certificate of Technology Programme. Ministry of Technical Training. Sri Lanka. 1996 – 1997.
  18. National Certificate of Technology (Quantity Surveying and Civil Engineering) Programmes. Department of Technical Education and Training, Sri Lanka. 1994 – 1997.
  19. Member of validation panels (e.g. Steering Committee member, Transfer of research knowledge into teaching research project; Panel member, Academic review committee, Emerald publishing; Steering Committee member, Improving dissertation assessment project).
  20. National Industrial Training Advisory Committee for Architecture and Building Economics, 1997.
  21. Adviser (HEFCE adviser – Centres for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETLs) – 2012-2013. And I was a steering committee member of the UK Higher Education Disaster Relief project and a Committee member of Enhancing Learning and Research for Humanitarian Assistance (ELRHA), Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) Disaster Management initiative, UK.
  22. Expert reviewer, BSc in Building, University of New Castle, Australia. 2003 – 2004
  23. Short course on how to develop a balanced. NHS Estates in Leeds. 2001
  24. Regular Teaching visits to other Universities (e.g. University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka; RMIT University, Australia; Newcastle University, Australia; Durham University, UK). 2001- to date
  25. Board of Architectural Education. Sri Lanka Institute of Architects. 1996 – 1997
  26. National Certificate of Technology Programme. Ministry of Technical Training. Sri Lanka. 1996 – 1997.
  27. Examiner. National Certificate of Technology (Quantity Surveying and Civil Engineering) Programmes. Department of Technical Education and Training, Sri Lanka. 1994 – 1997.
  28. Examiner for Building Economics, Level V, Sri Lanka Institute of Architects (SLIA), 1997.
  29. Building Economics, 2nd year, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. 1996 – 1997
  30. Strategic Review of Undergraduate Teaching, School of the Built Environment, 2001 – 2002.
  31. MSc in Project Management conducted by the Department of Building Economics, University of Moratuwa. Sri Lanka. 1995 – 1996.
  32. Degree Programme Documentation for RICS (Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors) accreditation (Initial versions). Department of Building Economics. University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. 1996 – 1997
  33. National Certificate of Technology (Quantity Surveying and Civil Engineering) Programmes. Department of Technical Education and Training, Sri Lanka. 1994 – 1997.

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