and Outreach



You may be interested in the following official Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission status report for the Indian Ocean Tsunami and Mitigation System (IOTWMS), that Prof. Richard Haigh and Prof. Dilanthi Amaratunga co-wrote as members of the IOC UNESCO Task Team, and for which we also did much of the underpinning survey design and analysis.

RICS’s UN Global Compact Communication on Engagement report Fostering the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in land, construction,real estate and infrastructure was published in 2018, and shows how it is encouraging implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It is doing so by developing standards and promoting their adoption, supporting cutting-edge research, increasing capacity for sustainable built environments, and enabling community action (

During the WFH period, there are several activities are being implemented to make this period a meaningful for everyone and, conducting capacity building programs are one area that could easily be focused and concern by NBRO. One program was successfully conducted on 10th April 2020 on “Scientific Paper Writing”. As employees of a research organization, this is one area to be expertise by all.

The ongoing COVID-19 outbreak is an unprecedented event in modern human history. The UNDRR (United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction) Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 (SFDRR) [1] highlights biological hazards, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, as a major risk for the 21st century. While the World Health Organisation has declared COVID-19 a pandemic, its underlying factors, vulnerabilities and impacts go far beyond the health sector. It is, in fact, an example of systemic risk: when a hazard leads not only to negative effects in parts of the system but also threatens the failure of the entire system.

From PreventionWeb - The second Newton Prize 2019 winner has been announced at an event in Jakarta, Indonesia on Tuesday 14 January. The winning UK-Indonesia partnership is helping to protect coastal communities from the devastation caused by coastal hazards such as flooding and tsunamis. The research has improved Indonesia’s capacity to deal with these events through better communications and warning procedures.

Researchers from the University of Huddersfield and the Institute of Technology Bandung in Indonesia have improved Indonesia’s communications and warning procedures for coastal disasters such as flooding and tsunamis, as climate change is increasing the frequency and severity of extreme weather.

ADRiMP news letter 1

Explore about the Association of Disaster Risk Management Professionals, Sri Lanka.

Newton Prize Booklet for 2019

Find out more about the full shortlist in the Newton Prize 2019 booklet.

In the announcement of the Newton Prize 2019, Selasa (14/1/2020), Dr. Harkunti Pertiwi Rahayu was named as one of the award winners. As reported by, Harkunti’s project with Richard Haigh and Dilanthi Amaratunga from Huddersfield University, England, were also awarded a prize of 200,000 pounds or equivalent to around Rp3.5 billion. Harkunti’s, Richard and Dilanthi’s research focuses on increasing the capacity of coastal areas in Indonesia to mitigate and manage disaster strategies. The committee decided to grant this project due to the extent of the impact given and the large possibility of its application in Indonesia.

Melalui Newton Fund, jumlah kolaborasi riset dan inovasi, antara Indonesia dan Inggris telah meningkat pesat sejak tahun 2014 sampai dengan 2019. Setidaknya 15 program kolaborasi riset dan inovasi telah dijalankan dari 22 proposal penelitian yang masuk.

Menteri Riset dan Teknologi (Menristek)/Kepala Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN), Bambang P.S. Brodjonegoro, menghadiri perhelatan Newton Prize 2019 di Tribrata Dharmawangsa, pada Selasa (14/01). Kolaborasi riset dan inovasi Indonesia-Inggris dalam kerangka kerjasama Newton Fund dilakukan melalui upaya pendanaan bersama, untuk implementasi kolaborasi riset dan inovasi kelas dunia, yang tidak hanya berdampak global, namun juga memberikan kontribusi secara nyata pada peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat Indonesia dan Inggris.

Kerja sama penelitian ilmuwan Indonesia dan Inggris berhasil menyabet penghargaan Newton Prize 2019. Riset itu mengkaji dan meneliti kesiapan komunitas pesisir dalam menghadapi dampak perubahan iklim. Penelitian ini dipimpin Dr. Harkunti Rahayu dari Institut Teknologi Bandung dan Profesor Richard Haigh dari University of Huddersfield. Mereka mendapatkan sebagian pendanaan dari Newton Fund sebesar Rp18 miliar.

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