Host of international exchanges events


  1. Team visit from Columbia University, USA. Greater Manchester Resilience Studio Planning for Community Resilience: Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation. The purpose of the Greater Manchester Resilience Studio is to develop overall community resilience to hazards, while taking into consideration its historical underpinnings, socio-economic context, and relation with the Greater Manchester region and the neighbouring towns. The studio also aimed to discuss community experiences in response to disaster events and related community strategies. Date: 7th March 2024.
  2. Co-organiser and host Dr Harkunti Rahayu staff exchange visit to the UK. Organised in conjunction with the Institut Teknologi Bandung and through our joint project on Integrating pandemic preparedness and disaster risk reduction to protect economic assets and people in the ‘new normal’ for the Greater Bandung Metropolitan area of Indonesia, funded by British Council Newton Fund Impact Scheme and match funding from the Government of Indonesia. Date: 21st January to 24th February 2023.
  3. Co-organiser and host, Professor Rajib Shaw visit to the UK. As part of the INCLUDE (INCLUsive Disaster Education) project, which aims to reimagine online distance learning education so that it better supports the diverse DRR community, Prof. Rajib Shaw, a world leading disaster expert visited us in May 2023 at Huddersfield, UK. There were key notes and other talks on: “Urban Resilience: Challenges and Potentials”; Issues related to urban resilience; City governance context: Assessment and Planning; and Implementation context: Community actions [entry point and agents]. There were also detailed discussions on the digital competence framework for educators in building capacity to implement online and distance teaching and learning in DRR. Date: May 2023.
  4. Co-organiser and host, one-week international staff exchange programme with Andalas University, Padang, Indonesia. Project Consortium Meeting and Workshops of the Newton Project of Embedding COVID-19 Preparedness into Local Disaster Risk Reduction project, funded through British Council Newton Fund Institutional Links. Organised by: Global Disaster Resilience Centre, University of Huddersfield, UK. Dates: 13th – 17th February 2023.
  5. Co-organiser and host, a 2-week international CCA-DRR Staff Exchange Programme for 24 academics representing 8 universities in Sri Lanka, 26th June to 7th July 2023, University of Huddersfield. This staff exchange was organised as part of the Research Training Network on Tackling Climate Change as an Underlying Disaster Risk Driver EU funded research project The training schedule included: seminars, workshops, Symposium and panel discussions, guest lectures, field trips, and social events. CCA-DRR is designed to develop capacities amongst academic staff members of UK and Sri Lanka, in “tackling climate change as an underlying disaster risk driver”.
  6. Co-organiser and host, Academic Staff exchange in disaster resilience. 16 senior academics from 5 universities in Sri Lanka (University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka;University of Colombo, Sri Lanka; University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka; University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka; Southeastern University, Sri Lanka) were hosted by Global Disaster Resilience Centre for two weeks from 10th September to 24th September, funded by the European Commission, Erasmus + ICM scheme. 2017.

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