Editorial and Refereeing Activities and Research Review Panels


for research funding

  1. TheRoyal Academy of Engineering, Frontiers panel Lead, 2024
  2. British Council ISPF (International Science Partnerships Fund), Engineering and Physical Sciences Panel for Research Collaborations Grants. Since 2024
  3. Horizon Europe since 2022
  4. K Research Council’s Global Challenges Research Fund, 2018 – 2022
  5. KuwaitFoundation for the Advancement of Sciences (KFAS), 2020 – 2024
  6. Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), since 2006
  7. Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), since 2010
  8. Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), since 2004
  9. Qatar National Research Fund European Commission, 2010 – 2012
  10. project funded by DFID on Knowledge Manager for Asia, Overseas Development Institute, UK. 2018
  11. H2020 Review Panel, 2015 – 2017
  12. Newton Fund Institutional Links and Newton Researcher Links, 2016 – 2020
  13. British Council expert reviewer for the INSPIRE Strategic Partnerships, 2008 – 2012
  14. Peer review panel member, Foresight project on Improving Future Disaster Anticipation and Resilience – The Foresight Project on Improving Future Disaster Anticipation and Resilience, 2012
  15. Expert Review panel member, FP7 research, European Research Agency (ERA), Environment and Security Themes
  16. 7th EU Framework programme for research and technological development. European Commission, Brussels. 2007
  17. 6th EU Framework programme for research and technological development. European Commission, Brussels. 2004 – 2006
  18. Member of the Professorial panels – UTM, Malaysia; University of Auckland, New Zealand; University of Melbourne, Australia, Melbourne, 2010 – date
  19. External expert. Appointment of professoriate. UMIT, Malaysia, 2008 – to date


and Refereeing Activities

  1. Joint Editor-in-chief – International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment. (emeraldinsight.com/ijdrbe.htm) with Emerald Group publishing, 2009 to date. This is the only journal to promote research and scholarly activity that examines the role of building and construction to anticipate and respond to unexpected events that damage or destroy the built environment. This journal is indexed in SCOPUS (http://www.info.sciverse.com/scopus) and in the ISI Web of Science™Core Collection, Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI). Since 2009
  2. Editorial Board Member. Sri Lanka Journal of Health. 2044 to date
  3. Guest Editor of the Sustainability Journal on “Rebuilding Communities Following Disasters and Conflict Induced Mass Displacements”. Malalgoda, C. Jayakody, S. Madurapperuma, D. Amaratunga (Eds) Rebuilding Communities Following Disasters and Conflict-Induced Mass Displacements, (2022) Sustainability, ISSN 2071-1050 The aim of this Special Issue is to gather knowledge in rebuilding communities following disaster and conflict-induced mass displacements from the perspective of the built environment.
  4. Guest Editor of the Sustainability Journal on “Rebuilding Communities Following Disasters and Conflict Induced Mass Displacements”. 2022. Malalgoda, C. Jayakody, S. Madurapperuma, D. Amaratunga (Eds) Rebuilding Communities Following Disasters and Conflict-Induced Mass Displacements, (2022) Sustainability, ISSN 2071-1050 The aim of this Special Issue is to gather knowledge in rebuilding communities following disaster and conflict-induced mass displacements from the perspective of the built environment.
  5. Guest Editor of the Advances in Construction and Project Management, Article Collection published by MDPI. 2022 . This article collection in construction and project management aims to explore advances in digital, sustainable, and industrialised construction solutions for prevalent issues in construction and project management. It will also investigate the impacts of globalisation and the need for resilience in the construction industry. Key words: Construction project management, Digitalisation, Industrialisation, Sustainability, Resilience, Health & Safety. Participating journal include: Applied sciences, Automation, Buildings, Informatics, Safety, Sustainability. https://www.mdpi.com/topics/Construction_Management#journals
  6. Member of the International expert peer review committee of the Global Assessment Report. The preparation of the GAR is coordinated and supervised by UNISDR. The GAR is a comprehensive review and analysis of the natural hazards that affect us. It comes out every two years. It looks at how public regulation and private investment shape disaster risk. 2012 – 2013.
  7. Co-editor of books listed in section 7 (ii)
  8. Co-editor of conference proceedings listed in section 7(ii)
  9. Member of the Editorial Board, Why Invest in Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience? in How to Make Cities More Resilient: A Handbook for Local Government Leaders. Gencer, E. (Ed.), United Nations. February 2018.
  10. One of three appointed international reviewers, Urban Resilience and Sustainability: Through Peri-Urban Ecosystems. Integrating Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction. Process Guidance and Training Handbook. Asian Cities Climate Change Resilience Network (ACCCRN) and The Rockefeller Foundation, USA. Gorakhpur Environmental Action Group, Gorakhpur (U.P.) India. January 2018.
  1. International peer review lead, National Building Research Organisation (NBRO), Open Street Map, Training Guide. Vulnerability Assessment and Assessment of Safer Land for Resettlement, Community Landslides Risk Mitigation Project in Sri Lanka, implemented by: National Building Research Organization, Financially Supported by The World Bank, Technical Assistance by: Asian Disaster Preparedness Center and Norwegian Geo‐Technical Institute, April 2018
  2. International peer review lead, Report on Vulnerability Assessment and Assessment of Safer Land for Resettlement, Community Landslides Risk Mitigation Project in Sri Lanka, implemented by: National Building Research Organization, Financially Supported by The World Bank, Technical Assistance by: Asian Disaster Preparedness Center and Norwegian Geo‐Technical Institute, April 2018
  3. International peer review lead, Report on Identification of Potential Mitigation Measures and assessment of their Implementability, Community Landslides Risk Mitigation Project in Sri Lanka, implemented by: National Building Research Organization, Financially Supported by The World Bank, Technical Assistance by: Asian Disaster Preparedness Center and Norwegian Geo‐Technical Institute, April 2018
  4. International peer review lead, Report on Review of land resettlement policies and laws applicable to the resettlement of people from disaster prone areas and recommendations, Community Landslides Risk Mitigation Project in Sri Lanka, implemented by: National Building Research Organization, Financially Supported by The World Bank, Technical Assistance by: Asian Disaster Preparedness Center and Norwegian Geo‐Technical Institute, April 2018
  5. International peer review lead, Report on Preparation of a detailed action plan for landslide risk mitigation, Community Landslides Risk Mitigation Project in Sri Lanka, implemented by: National Building Research Organization, Financially Supported by The World Bank, Technical Assistance by: Asian Disaster Preparedness Center and Norwegian Geo‐Technical Institute, April 2018
  6. International peer review lead, Report on the Development of the Operational Manual, Community Landslides Risk Mitigation Project in Sri Lanka, implemented by: National Building Research Organization, Financially Supported by The World Bank, Technical Assistance by: Asian Disaster Preparedness Center and Norwegian Geo‐Technical Institute, April 2018
  7. Member of the Editorial Board, United Nations Words into Action on Build Back Better in recovery, rehabilitation and reconstruction, 2017.
  8. International reviewer, Review of the current institutional mandates and organisational capacity for landslide risk management and recommendations. The World Bank. October 2017.
  9. Reviewer and Partner, How to Make Cities More Resilient, A Handbook for Local Government Leaders, A contribution to the Global Campaign 2010-2020, Making Cities Resilient – “My City is Getting Ready!”. August 2017. UNISDR.
  10. Member of the Editorial Board, Why Invest in Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience? in How to Make Cities More Resilient: A Handbook for Local Government Leaders. Gencer, E. (Ed.), United Nations. 2016-2017
  1. Member of the Editorial Board, United Nations Words into Action on National Focal Points for Disaster Risk Reduction; National Platforms for Disaster Risk Reduction and Local Platforms for Disaster Risk September 2016.
  2. Editorial Board Member of Asia-Pacific’s contribution to the post-2015 Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA2). 2015
  3. Editor in Chief, Global Assessment Report Background papers, 2015. Global Assessment Report 2015 on Disaster Risk Reduction (GAR15) Making Development Sustainable: The Future of Disaster Risk Management, was launched by the United Nations Secretary General at the 3rd World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction 2015 held from 14 to 18 March 2015 in Sendai, Japan. The Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction is the UN flagship publication on global disaster risk and disaster risk management.
  4. Peer review of Asia-Pacific’s contribution to the post-2015 Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA2) consultations with countries and organizations on what the successor of the HFA -the post-2015 framework for DRR or HFA2, should look like on: “Women as a force in resilience building, gender equity in DRR”. 2014. UNISDR, Bangkok.
  5. I was appointed as a member of the Editorial Team (by the UNISDR) on their report entitled “State of DRR at the Local Level”, The purpose of this is to encourage more research and consolidate available knowledge on the patterns of local risk reduction actions including factors that enable successful disaster resilience at local level. The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) “Making Cities Resilient” Campaign and on behalf of all its partners launched this report. The report explored a number of issues including: Drivers of Local Level DRR and resilience – The enabling environment for local DRR and resilience, and can include issues such as leadership, financing, mandate, capacity, local risk patterns or social demand from citizens; Elements of local disaster resilience and the links to a national DRR and resilience framework in particular links to local development issues; Effective local level DRR actions related to priority for action 4 under the HFA; and DRR governance including issues such as decentralization. 2014
  6. Member of the expert peer review panel, UNISDR Global Assessment Report 2013. This 2013 Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction, From Shared Risk to Shared Value: The Business Case for Disaster Risk Reduction (GAR13), is the third biennial report coordinated by the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR), 2012 – 2013.
  7. Peer review panel member, Foresight project on Improving Future Disaster Anticipation and Resilience the Foresight Project on Improving Future Disaster Anticipation and Resilience. 2012
  8. Technical reviewer, Thematic Primers on “Urban Disaster Risk Management” and “Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction into Development”, The Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) with the support from the Asian Development Bank (ADB); 2011 – 2012
  9. Editorial Board Member of the following journals: The International Journal of Disaster Management (IJDM). 2016- 2020; The International Journal of Disaster Management (IJDM). 2010 – 2015; Journal of Facilities Management, 2010-date; International Journal of Construction Education and Research. 2009 to 2015; Journal of Quality Assurance in Education, Emerald publishing. 2005 – 1015; The Built Human Environment Review: International Journal. 2007- 2015; Journal of Built Environment – Sri Lanka. 2005 – 1010; Journal of Technological and Economic Development. 2008 – 2014; Management Decision Journal. 2003 – 2008; “Quantity Surveyor”. Publication of the Department of Building Economics. University of Moratuwa. Sri Lanka. 1993-1997
  10. Reviewer for – Gateways: International Journal of Community Research and Engagement, 2012 – 2014; Global Environmental Change, an Elsevier journal. 2005 – 2008; Disasters Journal. 2005-date; Journal of Environmental Planning & Management, 2010; Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 2010; International Journal of Strategic Property Management. 2008 – 2015; International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and design Management, 2005 – 2006; The Journal of Construction Management and Economics (CME). 2005 – to date; Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management (ECAM) Journal. 2006 – date; Building Research and Information (BRI) Journal. 2002 – 2014; Journal of Construction Innovation. 2004 – 2008; Scientific journal of “Technological and Economic Development. 2009; Journal of Property Investment and Finance. 2006 – 2010; Australian Journal of Construction Economics & Building (AJCEB). 2005 – 2010; Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering. 2005 – 2008; Journal of construction in developing countries. 2008; ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers) Journal of Management in Engineering. 2008 – 2014; Construction Innovation, Information, Process Management Journal. 2004 – 2008; Facilities Journal. 2004 – 2014; European SEPG proposal review panel. 2004 – 2008; Special Issue on Facilities Management Performance Measurement in the Journal of Facilities Management. 2002; RICS Research Paper Series. RICS, London. 2002 – 2008; Business Process Management Journal. 2001 – 2004; Quantity Surveyor”. Publication of the Department of Building Economics. University of Moratuwa. Sri Lanka. 1993 – 1997.
  1. Co-Editor, Special issue of facilities journal on “Facilities performance measurement and management”, 2009.
  2. Co-Editor – special issue of International Journal of Strategic Property Management on “Capacity building for post-disaster infrastructure development and management”. 2009.
  3. Co-Editor, special issue of disaster prevention and management journal on “Disasters and the built environment”, 2009.

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